Earn Rewards for Taking Care of Your Health
We reward you, so you can reward yourself!
As member of VNSNY CHOICE EasyCare (HMO), you’re automatically enrolled in our Healthy CHOICE Healthy You rewards program. You can earn rewards for completing certain health activities, like seeing your doctor, or getting recommended screenings. Earn $25 for each health activity you complete.
You can earn rewards by completing the qualifying activities below:

Females ages 50–74, as medically necessary.
Once per year
Colon cancer screening
Adults ages 50–75, as medically necessary.
Once per year
Statin treatment for
cardiovascular disease
Males ages 21–75, and females ages 40–75, as medically necessary.
Once per year
Hemoglobin A1c reading
for diabetes
Adults ages 18–75, as medically necessary.
Reward will be based on the final reading of the year.
Once per year
Retinal eye exam for diabetes
Adults ages 18–75, as medically necessary.
Once per year
Blood pressure reading for hypertension
Adults ages 18-85, as medically necessary.
Reward will be based on the final reading of the year.
Once per year
Flu shot
All members are eligible.
Once per year
Annual wellness visit
All members are eligible.
Once per year
Additional eligibility exclusions may apply.
How will I get my rewards?
You must be an active member of the plan to receive rewards. We’ll track your progress using claims your doctor submits to verify that you completed the health activity. The first time you complete an eligible activity during the year, we’ll send you a reloadable MasterCard gift card as a reward. Hold onto it! Up to three times a year, we will reload the card with the reward dollar amounts you earn for completing more health activities.
You won’t need a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to get your rewards, but you will need to activate the card. Follow the instructions on the information you received with the card, or if you need help, call your Care Team.
The gift card cannot be used for gambling, or to purchase alcohol, firearms, or tobacco, and cannot be converted to cash.
Below is a schedule of when rewards will be issued in 2022.
Period of time to complete eligible activities | Period of time when eligible rewards will be loaded to gift cards |
January 1, 2022–March 31, 2022 | June 2022 |
April 1, 2022–June 30, 2022 | September 2022 |
July 1, 2022–September 30, 2022 | December 2022 |
October 1, 2022–December 31, 2022 | March 2023 |
What’s next?
Make sure you schedule your annual wellness visit, and ask your doctor what screenings are right for you, so you can start earning rewards! If you have any questions, please call us at 1-866-783-1444, 7 days a week, 8 am–8 pm (TTY users, call: 711).